Saturday, March 02, 2013


Andreas Franke

Ouvir uma bisneta a agradecer à biógrafa da sua parente. Um concerto a meio da semana. Sorrir para o desconhecido. Ginjas no quiosque do Camões. Ouvir uma música no carro enquanto vou para casa a pensar naquele abraço apertado. Gargalhadas a lembrar o passado e a pensar no futuro. Comprar dois CD's que andava a cobiçar há uma década. Ler a dedicatória de uma amiga num livro. Pedirem-me uma dedicatória. Acreditar. Comer uma pizza divina, sozinha, ao jantar, enquanto leio as promissoras propriedades médicas da peçonha. Isto, sim, é felicidade.


Writer-esque (Elisabeth) said...

I love it. Especially the second song.

Izanami said...

Dear Elisabeth: this post is about the little (tiny) things that happen in my daily life and that makes me feel happy. I translate it for you:
«Listening to a great grand-daughter thanking the biographer of her relative. Going to a concert in midweek. Smiling (just for the pleasure of doing it). Smiling to anything I do not know (instead of being afraid). Drinking a typical drink in a typical spot. Listening to a music while driving home and while remember a close hug I received (and retributed) moments before. To buy something (in case, CD's) I wanted to have for so long (and finally I could afford it). Having a book with the dedicatory of a friend. Someone asking me to write a dedicatory in a book. To believe. Eating a divine pizza, all by myself, for dinner, while reading an article at National Geographic about the promising medical properties of venom. Yes, definitely, this is happiness.
Thank you :)